1. After upgrade from SAP IQ 15.x to newer SAP IQ 16.x, sometimes queries return inconsistent results.
2. Following sequence works fine unless SAP IQ is under heavy workload.
< connect to SAP IQ >
update lo_1355898 set rand_num = rand(1355898 + recNdx) where use_ind = 1
update lo_1355898 set rand_order = number(*) where use_ind = 1 order by rand_num
update lo_1355898 set use_ind = 0 where use_ind = 1 and rand_order > 38000
< Some records get updated. Check that value returned from last update is the correct value – and it is >
< disconnect from SAP IQ >
Different predicate, maybe 10 seconds later:
< connect to SAP IQ >
Select count(*) from lo_1355898 where use_ind = 1;
(count is > 38000 – in fact, NO RECORDS have use_ind = 0 even though there should have been some. )
< disconnect from SAP IQ >
SAP IQ 16.x
tds , inconsistent , upgrade , chained , autocommit , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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