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2593177 - Creation of Prepared Statement failed: database is locked (5) when running SWPM


Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM) is started but the execution fails very soon with an error:

"Unable to start a service execution. The execution will be terminated now.

DETAILS: Creation of Prepared Statement failed: database is locked (5)
database is locked in statement: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS STEP (RunId INTEGER, stepId varchar(500), sumOfExecutionTime INTEGER, sidsOfDialogsAndMessageBoxes varchar(500), sumOfDialogTime INTEGER, stepType varchar(20), componentTyp varchar(500), stepName varchar(80), startExecution INTEGER, stopExecution INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY (RunId, stepId))
SOLUTION: Please check the following information for the possible reason and inform the installation development:
Running with dialog file /int/workdir/jgu_tmp/dialog.xml
Using dialog 'd_specify_archive' from framework"

This happens with SL Common GUI and also Java SDT GUI.



SWPM, sapinst, NAS, NFS, share , KBA , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , Problem

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