You have maintained Survey A for a Visit in the Activity Routing Rules initially, and later changed the Activity Routing Rule conditions such that, Survey B is assigned to the Visit.
But observe that both Survey A and Survey B are assigned in the Visit.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Visits Workcenter
- Open the Visit XYZ (Where XYZ represents a Visit ID)
- Go to Surveys facet
- You observe that Survey A and Survey B both are assigned to this Visit
Once a Survey is added to a Visit, it will not be automatically removed from that Visit, even if rules and other parameters change.
This is an expected system behavior. You have to manually delete the Surveys which are not needed anymore, by following the steps below.
Go to the Activity Planner Workcenter
- Navigate to the Plans View
- Open the Activity Plan 123 (Where Activity Plan 123 is the plan assigned to the Visit XYZ)
- Navigate to the Surveys facet
- Select the survey which is not required in the Visit and click on the delete icon
- Click on Save
survey, visit, wrong survey , KBA , wrong survey , survey , LOD-CRM-ACT-VST , Visit Planning , How To