In Cloud Integration (former CPI), you have Integration Flows that will write Message Processing Log (MPL) attachments.
It is noticed that MPL Attachments are intermittently not written / found in Message Monitor, although the message processing is successful, and you are certain the step to write MPL Attachment is successfully executed.
In the LJS trace, there are entries like one of below:
- Could not save MPL Attachment "<MPL Attachment name>" created by Integration Flow "<Integration Flow Name>" and containing <MPL Attachment Length> bytes because circuit breaker is open
- MPLAttachmentCircuitBreaker-1#...#Count of xxxxxxxxx bytes for last 86400000 ms exceeds threshold 1073741824|
- Cloud Integration, NEO environment
MPL Attachment, circuit breaker, payload, message payload, Cloud Integration, SAP HANA Cloud Integration, SAP HCI, SAP CPI, SCPI, tenant, IFlow, Integration Flow, deployment, model configurator, properties, tracing, payload, missing attachment , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-OP-SRV , Integration Monitoring , Problem
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