- You are receiving error "GET DATA FROM KPRO" when attempting to open a document larger then 10MB
- When you test the SAPftp/SAPftpa destinations in SM59 they fail with: timeout during allocate / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV' : cmRc=20 thRc=456# Timeout during connection setup
- In the dev_ftp trace you will see the following error, RfcError - key: R,:
- SAPftp Version 749
- SAPGUI 750
RfcError - key: R, //bas/749_REL/src/krn/ftp/ftpmainnw.c#2, , KBA , BC-SRV-COM-FTP , File Transfer via FTP , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , Problem
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