You are performing a conversion to S/4HANA. During ACT_UPG, there are errors in third party/vendor or custom objects like below:
3 EDO301XActivate data element "/HOAG/M_BUTXT_EB"
1EEDO315 No active domain "CHAR50S" available
3 EDO303 Data element "/HOAG/M_BUTXT_EB" was not activated
1EEDO519X"Data Element" "/HOAG/M_BUTXT_EB" could not be activated
3 EDO301XActivate data element "ZBC_CH_FILE"
1EEDO315 No active domain "NAME255" available
3 EDO303 Data element "ZBC_CH_FILE" was not activated
1EEDO519 "Data Element" "ZBC_CH_FILE" could not be activated
The errors are due to highlighted domains which are missing in the shadow system. Although, they exist in the main system.
Software Update Manager
ACT_UPG, CHAR50S, NAME255, SVER, S/4HANA , KBA , namespace , serrala group gmbh , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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