After upgrade to IQ 16.0 SP11 PL13, message types below are logged in iqmsg file
CrT, DpT, CrI, DpI.
What do they mean?
Sample excerpt from iqmsg file
I. 01/29 13:45:00. 0000000017 Txn 4040862 0 4040862
I. 01/29 13:45:00. 0000000017 CrT
I. 01/29 13:45:00. 0000000017 Cmt 4040863
I. 01/29 13:45:00. 0000000017 PostCmt 0
I. 01/29 13:45:00. 0000000017 Txn 4040864 0 4040864
I. 01/29 13:45:54. 0000000017 PostCmt 0
I. 01/29 13:45:54. 0000000017 Txn 4040920 0 4040920
I. 01/29 13:45:54. 0000000017 DpT
I. 01/29 13:45:54. 0000000017 Cmt 4040921
I. 01/29 13:45:54. 0000000017 PostCmt 0
I. 01/29 15:46:04. 0000000015 Txn 4049993 0 4049993
I. 01/29 15:46:04. 0000000015 CrI
I. 01/29 15:46:04. 0000000015 CpI
I. 01/29 15:46:04. 0000000015 [20535]: Query Plan:
I. 01/29 15:49:19. 0000000015 ChkDone [NumTxnCP: 1]
I. 01/29 15:49:19. 0000000015 PostChk
I. 01/29 15:49:19. 0000000015 DpI
I. 01/29 15:49:19. 0000000015 Cmt 4050666
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP02 PL 02 onwards
- SAP IQ 16.1 SP01 PL05 onwards
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP11 PL13 onwards
CrT, Dpt, CrI, DpI, CpI, iqmsg, sybase , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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