- WPF client crashes when adding a non-image file via an image control
- In Agentry application - Work Manager, adding a text file in the attach a picture option crashes device
- The Agentry Client is crashing when uploading e.g. a text file (after Setting filter in upload Dialog to "All")
- Please issue below (i.e. eclipse.exe has stopped working Windows is checking for a solutionto the problem)
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 (runtime SP10 PL05)
- SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 Agentry client SP15 PL02 or WPF 70.15.2
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0
"Agentry WPF client crashes when adding a text file","Uploading a text file in Work Manager crashes Agentry client", "Agentry WPF client crashes file upload","SMP 3.0 SDK client crashes file upload","Agentry SMP non-image file crashes","Agentry client crash when uploading file","Work Manager attachment crashes","SMP SDK 3.0 Agentry crash SP15" , KBA , MOB-SDK-AGC , SAP Mobile SDK Agentry Clients , Problem
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