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2597261 - Segmentation fault during BCP load - SAP ASE on Linux


  • Getting the following error when bcp in data:

Mon 02:19:09 GMT-0500 <path>: line 111: 31976 Segmentation fault  bcp $tempdbname..$temptab in "$srcfile" -U$SYBASEUSER -P$SYBASEPASSWD -c -e $errfile -b $batchsize -t "$field_term" -T $SYBASE_DBTEXTLIMIT

  • This bcp command fails only on Linux platform
  • The table ddl for the bcp process

CREATE TABLE dbo.<table>
([timestamp] timestamp NULL,
col1 char(12) NOT NULL,
col2 tinyint NOT NULL,
col3 char(4) NOT NULL,
col4 char(12) NOT NULL,
col5 money NOT NULL,
col6 datetime NOT NULL,
col7 datetime NOT NULL,
col8 char(15) NOT NULL



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
  • Linux on x86_64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7


cannot copy data, bcp not working, crasg, seg fault , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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