You are using SFIN or S4HANA, you are experience one of the following issue during or after asset balance carryforward.
- Incorrect planned depreciation for mid-year transfer legacy asset in period 12, depreciation recalculation (T-code AFAR) is not working
- Incomplete balance carryforward after execute T-code FAGLGVTR, part of assets don't have value in part or all depreciation areas in new fiscal year
- Error message AA698 occurred when trying to change asset master (T-code AS02) in new fiscal year
- Error message AA416 during asset settlement (T-code CO88 or T-code KO88) in new fiscal year
- During the execution of periodic activities like Balance Carryforward (FAGAGVTR), recalculation (AFAR), posting depreciation (AFABN) o year closing (AJAB), RFC error AA765 is triggered.
SAP S/4HANA 1610 ; SAP S/4HANA 1709 ; SAP S/4HANA 1809 ; SAP S/4HANA Finance 1605 ; SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511 ; SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503
Incomplete asset balance carryforward; Incorrect planned depreciation; AA765; AA 765; AA698; AA 698; AA416; AA416 , KBA , au267 , FI-AA-AA-E , Periodic Posting , Problem
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