Your requirement is to add Customer Part Number to the Product using Webservice ManageMaterialIn
Upon executing the Webservice, you see the error:
Instance with the same key already exists
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
You may run the Webservice in a third-party tool. Below is a sample of the Request payload.
Upon executing the Webservice, system throws the mentioned error.
Product XXXXX already has Customer Part Number with the following combination:
In the above example, XXXXX represents the Product ID, PQR represents Sales Organisation ID, YYYYY represents the Customer ID and XYZ represents the Product Customer ID.
The combination of all four parameters above, is considered as unique and therefore, the error Instance with the same key already exists.
*XXXXX represents the Product ID
PQR represents the Sales Organization ID
YYYYY represents the Customer ID
XYZ represents the Product Customer ID
You may use one of the options below:
Use a different <ProductCustomerID> to have a unique combination of all four fields mentioned above.
In Product XXXXX, change the Customer Part Number from XYZ to a different value, so that the combination is unique.
Customer Part Number, ProductCustomerID, ManageMaterialIn , KBA , customer part number , productcustomerid , managematerialin , LOD-CRM-PRO , Products , Problem