You receive an error "English description missing" while performing Migration of Registered Products
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration workcenter
- Select Overview view
- Search and open the Activity : Migration of Registered Products (Deprecated, use Migration of Installation Points)
- Click on Migration of Registered Products (Deprecated, use Migration of Installation Points)
- Upload the file and execute Import
The issue is occuring because in the template under Registered Product Description, you have filled the field Language as EN but the field Registered Product Description is empty.
As both the fields under Registered Product Description ,i.e, Language and Registered Product Description are dependent, if you have filled one field, the other should also be filled.
Registered Product, English description, Registered Product Description, Language, Migration of Registered Products , KBA , registered product , LOD-LE-PRD , Product + Product Category , Problem