- When checking in a model via the SAP PowerDesigner Proxy, we receive a failure with this error message:
unexpected error while executing SQL statements in the repository
A command sent to the repository proxy failed.
S1000 (SQLSTATE [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification )
Query: insert into PMFLDR(OBJT, FIXS , FOPT , NMSP , , MOPT , AUTH , VERS , AVSN , PCTI , PREG , PSTG , APLY , PFIX , XNAM , ) values(634 , 0 , 15036 , 1 , , 15037 , '' , '' , '' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'C:\Temp\Physical Data _1.pdm' , )
The check in of the document has been cancelled.
- SAP PowerDesigner 16.6
- SAP PowerDesigner 16.5
consolidate, checkin, update, extract, PD , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem
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