While upgrading a repository database from PD 16.6 SP04 to SP05, an error happened and upgrading scripts got aborted.
"Error - [SAP][ASE ODBC][Adaptive Server Enterprise] Command has been aborted. SQLSTATE = ZZZZZ"
There was no related error message in Powerdesigner session log as well as ASE dataserver error log.
There was enough free space in the ASE repository database.
The repository upgrade error message indicates it fails when executing insert statement 779.
- Powerdesigner - SAP PowerDesigner Portal 16.6 SP04
- Repository database - SAP ASE (Platform AMD 64-bit) - Case sensitive dataserver
SAP Powerdesigner, Powerdesigner, ASE, repository, upgrade, Command has been aborted, ZZZZZ, 16.6 SP05 , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem
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