You have defined a field with the type of Real. In MDM Data Manager, you edit the field and set the value to 0.123456, when you save it, the value is shown as 0, rather than 0.123456. But you switch it to edit mode or try to change the value, it shows 0.123456. The exact value 0.123456 is only shown in the edit mode as follows:
But you save the value, it shows 0.
SAP Netweaver Master Data Management 5.5
- SAP Netweaver Master Data Management 7.1
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management all versions
Netweaver MDM, Master Data Managment, Console, Data Manager, Real, Show Fractions, Decimal Places.
, KBA , MDM-FN-DM , Data Manager , MDM-FN-CON , Admin Console , How To
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