- Every time trying to add a partition got the following error in the replication server error log:
Opening partition '/dev/vx/rdsk/rep041'.
ERROR #6120 dAIO( ) - aiolinux.c(980) SQM detected a failing status from an outstanding AIO (Status not set.).
ERROR #6120 dAIO( ) - aiolinux.c(980) SQM detected a failing status from an outstanding AIO (Status not set.).
Opening partition '/dev/vx/rdsk//rep041'.
Partition 'rsglm11_queue41' is added.
- Replication Server version:
Replication Server/15.1/EBF 16321 ESD#1/Linux Intel/Linux 2.4.21-20.ELsmp i686/1/OPT/Wed Nov 12 12:27:40 2008
SAP Replication Server 15.1
SAP Replication Server 15.7
repserver , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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