Basic information for the available APIs for SuccessFactors and the documentation regarding them.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- OData API
SuccessFactors has two different APIs available: OData and SFAPI.
The SFAPI is SuccessFactors Data API. It is a SOAP Web Service designed for importing and exporting data to and from your SuccessFactors instance. It provides generic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to access data, as well as meta-data operations to allow runtime discovery of the data. Data is exposed as entities called SFObjects, which are conceptually analogous to database tables. Using the meta-data operations, you can list the SFObjects available to the API and describe the fields in these entities. Using the CRUD operations you can query or edit the data.
The Help Portal with more detailed information: SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite SFAPI: Developer Guide
Note: SFAPI is currently being deprecated. Refer to the guide page Deprecation of Partner API, SFAPI Adhoc, and SFAPI for Simple Entities.
SFAPI also covers the Compound Employee API, which is the only SFAPI entity that will not be deprecated. Refer to its Help Portal: Employee Central Compound Employee API.
The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a standardized protocol for creating and consuming data APIs. OData builds on core protocols like HTTP and commonly accepted methodologies like REST. The result is a uniform way to expose full-featured data APIs. OData provides both a standard for how to represent your data, a metadata method to describe the structure of your data, and the operations available in your API. SuccessFactors OData API service is based on OData V2.0. The HXM Suite OData API is SuccessFactors Web Services API based on OData protocol intended to enable access to data in the SuccessFactors system. The API is data oriented. This API provides methods for CRUD style access. The API is best used for frequent or real time requests for small amounts of data. Large data requests are better handled by batch FTP processes. This OData API is used to configure entities. Each SuccessFactors module can be accessed using its own set of entities.
The recommendation is to use OData unless there's a limitation regarding protocols from your side or CompoundEmployee is used for replication, for example.
Help Portal links with more detailed information:
- SAP SuccessFactors API Reference Guide (OData V2)
- SAP SuccessFactors API Reference Guide (OData V4)
- SAP SuccessFactors Learning (LMS) OData APIs
OData API also covers Integration Center, which is a user-friendly tool that uses OData API internally. Refer to its Help Portal: Using the Integration Center. It enables HR business analysts to build, run, schedule, and monitor simple integrations. It simplifies the most common export and import use cases. You can build integrations quickly and easily through a guided workflow.
SuccessFactors API, OData API, SFAPI, apis, ce, compound employee, compoundemployee, , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , How To