Running a drop database command
A 3738 error is reported
Server Message: Number 3728, Severity 16
Server '<server>', Line 1:
Cannot drop this database '<database1>' as it has some dependencies (referential constraints) from database '<database2>'. Drop the referencing database first, before dropping the referenced database (dependent database).
- Error 2278 is also reported when running dbcc dbreboot
Server Message: Number 2278, Severity 16
Server '<server>', Line 1:
Unable to shut down the database '<database1>' while making use of it.
- sp_depends does not show any dependencies
- The following query does not show any dependencies
select object_name(tableid), frgndbname
from sysreferences
where frgndbname is not null
SAP Adaptiive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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