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2614867 - Error in SUM phase EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEWS


  • Upgrade of GRC 10.1 on HANA database fails in EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEW phase with these error messages in the upgrade logs:
=========== Repeat Phase ===========
Checks after phase
Last error code set:
Found 3 aborted processes/errors in log files.
Found 2 failed import processes


2 ETQ108 Analyzing logs for errors.
2 ETQ399 Found 370 'E' lines before exit code 2 - ignored.
1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00001_IMP.LOG' from offset 114 to 65166 for errors.
2 ETQ399 Found 25 'E' lines before exit code 2 - ignored.
1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00002_IMP.LOG' from offset 114 to 8081 for errors.
3 ETQ114 Analyzed 2 log files.
2EETQ106 2 processes failed.
1EETQ399 Import task 'shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00001_IMP.CMD' has errors, exit code 2. Check 'shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00001_IMP.LOG'.
1EETQ399 Import task 'shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00002_IMP.CMD' has errors, exit code 2. Check 'shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00002_IMP.LOG'.
A1EEIMP 007 Task failed with error:
(HDB) DbSlExecute failed for DDL statement 'CREATE VIEW "DDYTT_CONV_UC" ( "TABNAME" , "MODEFLAG" , "DBASE" , "UUID" , "CRSTAMP" , "ABSTAMP" , "DYSTAMP" , "FLDCNT" , "TABLEN" , "KEYCNT" , "KEYLEN" , "CLPOS" , "TABTYPE" , "TABFORM" , "REFNAME" , "FLAGBYTE" , "EXROUT" , "FLAG3" , "FLAG4" , "FLAG5" , "FLAG6" , "BUFSTATE" , "BUFPARM" , "ALIGN" , "POINTERLG" , "UNICODELG" , "COMPCNT" , "LEAFCNT" , "STATEFLAG" , "TABLSIZE" ) AS SELECT T0001."TABNAME", T0001."MODEFLAG", T0001."DBASE", T0001."UUID", T0001."CRSTAMP", T0001."ABSTAMP", T0001."DYSTAMP", T0001."FLDCNT", T0001."TABLEN", T0001."KEYCNT", T0001."KEYLEN", T0001."CLPOS", T0001."TABTYPE", T0001."TABFORM", T0001."REFNAME", T0001."FLAGBYTE", T0001."EXROUT", T0001."FLAG3", T0001."FLAG4", T0001."FLAG5", T0001."FLAG6", T0001."BUFSTATE", T0001."BUFPARM", T0001."ALIGN", T0001."POINTERLG", T0001."UNICODELG", T0001."COMPCNT", T0001."LEAFCNT", T0001."STATEFLAG", T0001."TABLSIZE" FROM ""."DDYTT_CONV_UC" T0001'
A1EEIMP 007 (HDB) DbSlErrorMsg rc = 0 'everything went well'
A1EEIMP 007 (HDB) sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near """: line 1 col 922 (at pos 922)
A1EEIMP 007 (HDB) DBCreate failed
A1EEIMP 016 Finished create for object "DDYTT_CONV_UC" of type "view" with error in 0 sec #20171124142413
A1 EDBS 003 Disconnected from DB



GRC 10.1

HANA database


SAP NetWeaver 7.4


SUM; DbSlExecute ; EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEWS ; SUBMOD_SHDALIASCRE ; GRC ; DDL , KBA , HAN-LM-UPG-SAP , Upgrade of SAP Systems on HANA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem

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