Following error is observed in start program error trace: stderr* file, where * indicates the start program number in the (start) instance profile:
*** ERROR => NiSelINext2: getStatEx failed (sirc=#) for pos=#; hdl #; sock ### [nixxsel.cpp ####]
The trace file may become very huge and cause that the whole disk is occupied.
NiSelINext2: getStatEx failed" in stderr* for IGS process">
Internet Graphics Server (IGS)
NiSelINext2, getStatEx failed, stderr, large, huge, increase, IGS, Ping was unsuccessful, Catched an NETerror, NiBufConnect failed , KBA , BC-FES-IGS , Internet Graphics Server , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-NET , Obsolete - Formerly used for network tests , Problem
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