You are implementing customs processes for declaring on Dutch AGS system (Aangiftesysteem) by using SAP GTS and Seeburger BIS converter.
- For that purpose you need information on the SAP connection number to enable intagration between Seeurger SAP GTS component and Dutch customs via email.
- You have received information from the Dutch customs that an SAP connection number is required before any communication is done.
- This number is not mentioned anywhere in the Seeburger conversion for SAP GTS for the Netherlands (SAP Note 2300489)
Global Trade Services (GTS)
Global Trade Services / Logistics Services (SLL)
SAP Global Trade Services
SAP Global Trade Services 10.0 ; SAP Global Trade Services 10.1 ; SAP Global Trade Services 11.0
Aangifte systeem, OSWO, National Helpdesk Dutch Customs, Belastingsdienst,
01, 900, 800, 720, 710, 700, 300, 300_640, 300_620 , KBA , SLL-LEG-CUS-ECC , Customs: Electronic Customs Communication Processes , SLL-LEG-CUS-DOC , Customs: Document Processing , SLL-LEG-CUS , Customs Management , SLL-LEG-FUN , General Functions , SLL-LEG-FUN-EDI-SEE , EDI-Communication Seeburger , Problem
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