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2616300 - Fiori List Report - Excel Export - Server response is not a valid JSON - Elements


  • Based on the SAP Standard Demo OData Service SEPMRA_PROD_MAN - the developer/user created a SAP Fiori Elements - List Report application and enabled the Excel export using the UI Adaptation Editior in the SAP Cloud Platform Web IDE Full Stack
  • When running the application using the integrated test in Web IDE the export works without any issues but when the app is now deployed to the Cloud Platform as an HTML5 app and include it into the Cloud Platform Portal Service, then the Excel export doesn't work anymore and only returns this error for the user:  

    "The following error has occurred during export: Server response is not a valid JSON"  



HANA Cloud Database Services - Cloud mobile services for development


SAPUI5 1.0


"SEPMRA_PROD_MAN", "Excel Export not working in Fiori","Excel Export feature does not work in the Cloud","Cloud Platform Excel feature fail","Using WebIDE to enable Excel does not work in the cloud","/sap/opu/odata/sap/SEPMRA_PROD_MAN","Export to Spreadsheet","The following error has occurred during export: Server response is not a valid JSON" , KBA , CA-UI5-TBL , SAP UI5 table, smart table, list and tree controls , Bug Filed

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