User cannot create Interchangeability Group in /INCMD/UI transaction due to error: "Internal and External number ranges not defined for group type Supersession Chain" while defining Interchangeability group.
SAP Notes - that would solve the problem in standalone SCM installations - are not helping in this case:
SAP Note 1057389 - Creating number ranges for Interchangeability Master Data
SAP KBA 2136344 - Interchangeability Group Number Range errors
SAP KBA 2119342 - Inc. Group number range not defined /INCMD/MSG054
SAP KBA 2608825 - /INCMD/UI transaction works inconsistently
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
/INCMD/UI, Interchangeability Group, Group Number range, TNRGT, NRIV, /INCMD/TICNR, Internal and External number ranges not defined for group type Supersession Chain , KBA , SCM-APO-MD-INC , Product and Location Interchangeability , SCM-BAS-MD-INC , Product and Location Interchangeability , Problem
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