- Question regarding Fiori Reference between catalogs
- We have 2 catalogs: one custom technical catalog (TC or Z_*_TC*) and one custom business catalog (BC or Z_*_BC*) - what is different between them?
- During customization, if we have a "custom" business catalogue (zBC) that was referenced from a "custom" technical catalog (zTC)
- And the technical catalog reference from a SAP standard technical catalog
- When we remove the reference to the custom technical catalogue (zTC), the custom business catalogue does not get updated (zBC)
- The app tile icon shows white (unconnected) instead of blue (connected)
- It seems as if the business catalog reference is made to the sap standard technical catalog, although the custom "business catalog" referenced the custom "technical catalog"
- What needs to be done for the reference of the custom "business catalog" to only point to the custom "technical catalog" and not to the SAP technical catalog?
- Example:
SAP - Technical Catalog (SAP_TC_CO_COMMON) --> Custom Technical Catalog (Z_*_TC*) --> Custom Business Catalog (Z_*BC*)
- SAP NetWeaver 7.40/7.50/7.51/7.52
- SAP S/4HANA 1610/1709/1809
SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP S/4HANA 1610
"SAP Business Catalog","SAP Technical Catalog","SAP Business Catalog versus Technical Catalog","SAP rules on Business Catalog","SAP Policy updating Business Catalogs","SAP Fiori Business Catalog","Fiori Technical Catalog versus Business Catalog","Modifying roles in Fiori launchpad" , KBA , CA-FE-FLP-DT , Please use CA-FLP-FE-DT or CA-FLP-ABA-DT , Problem
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