- You want to propagate the mode of transportation in the stages of a document.
- When you plan a freight unit (FU) to a freight order (FO) or freight booking (FB), you want the FU stage to be filled with the FO mode of transportation.
- Would planning ever change the mode of transportation in a FU stage?
SAP Transportation Management 9.1+
SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4
empty blank not propagating changing entering invalid MOT stop_succ stop stop_successor mot_cat capa tor root stages TRMODCOD TRMODCAT , KBA , TM-PLN-FU , Freight Unit , TM-FRM , Freight Order Management , TM-PLN , Planning , Problem
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