- An iFlow has been created, in one of the configuration channels a User Credential security artifact has been configured.
- After triggering the deployment of that iFlow, the below error message is shown in the "Manage Integration Content" for the iFlow preventing deployment:
[CAMEL][IFLOW][ERROR] : Integration flow failed.
[CAMEL][IFLOW][EXCEPTION] : org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Error when instantiating bean <where_the_credential_is_configured> of class null
[CAMEL][IFLOW][CAUSE] : Cause: [CONTENT][CONTENT_DEPLOY][NoArtifactDecriptorFoundForArtifactName]:No artifact descriptor found for artifactName <searched_credential_name>
[CAMEL][IFLOW][CAUSE] : Cause: [CONTENT][CONTENT_DEPLOY][NoArtifactDecriptorFoundForArtifactName]:No artifact descriptor found for artifactName <searched_credential_name>
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP Integration Suite
SAP Cloud Integration
HCI, HANA Cloud Integration, Tenant, Model configurator, HCI tooling, Web tooling, Communication channel, User Credentail, Manage Integration Content, ComponentDefinitionException, descriptor, NodeManagerException, ArtifactName, Manage Security, Security Material, SOAP Inbound Pass, SAP CPI, CPI, SCPI, SAP Cloud Integration, SAP Integration Suite , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-RT , Integration Runtime , Problem
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