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2617118 - Column 'unique' not found SQLCODE=-143 errors after upgrading to SAP IQ 16.1


  • post upgrading IQ from releases prior to IQ 16.1

  • Column 'unique' not found SQLCODE=-143. ODBC 3 State="42S22"  errors seen.

  • this has been reported when running...
    • utility iqunload
    • stored procedures like sp_iqobjectinfo, sp_iqconstraint
    • using IQ Cockpit to view table properties

  • Select * from “SYS”.”SYSVIEWS” where viewname = ‘SYSIDX’ shows the colunm name 'unique' as having no ISYSIDX owner
    vcreator viewname viewtext
    SYS SYSIDX create view "SYS"."SYSIDX" as select "ISYSIDX"."table_id","ISYSIDX"."index_id","ISYSIDX"."object_id",
    "ISYSIDX"."not_enforced","ISYSIDX"."dbspace_id" as "file_id" from "SYS"."ISYSIDX"
  • SYS.SYSIDX is supposed to have a column named "unique". But it is not. Instead, a new column named "expression" is created which has string value "unique".



  •  SAP IQ 16.1 all platforms


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


sybase, failure, CR805575, #805575, 805575, CR813935, #813935, 813935, IQCockpit, 'SQL error:', unexpected, upgraded, IQ15, 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER', 'SQL Anywhere Error', ManagedObjectgateway, err_invoke_op, install, 'alter database upgrade', , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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