- Cannot check in or check out jobs from central repository
- Jobs appear to be checked in to the user
- The following options are greyed out for all objects: Check Out, Check In, Undo Check Out, Label Latest Version, Permissions, Delete
- Permission column says 'Full' even though the above options are disabled
- Objects exist in both the central and local repo but cannot be checked in or checked out
- The specific options that are greyed out may depend on the object e.g. job, dataflow, table, etc.
SAP Data Services 4.x
SAP Data Services all versions
repo, check-in, check-out, assign, assigned, permission, gray, grayed, grey, greyed-out, grayed-out, disable, checked-in, checked-out, bods, ds, secure, enable, enabled, unable, unable to, not enabled , KBA , EIM-DS-DES , User Interface/Designer , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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