When trying to change the cache group interval for a specific Rex cache group the following error appears in SCC(SAP Control Center):
"An unknown server error has occurred: Please check log for details."
- The MBO server log shows:
"018-03-08 09:51:35.848 ERROR MMS Thread-334 [com.sybase.sup.admin.server.CacheAdminImpl] [] [] Error setting cache interval for cache CategoryMasterCG in package d1_saprex.3_5 create package data zip for Package [d1_saprex.3_5] failed."
- The cache group interval is not able to be changed.
SMP MBO server 3.0.12 PL3 on Windows OS.
- SAP REX application 3.5
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3 ; SAP Mobile Platform 3.0
ScheduledTask Scheduled task MBO properties , KBA , MOB-ONP , SAP Mobile Platform on Premise , Problem
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