When using SAP GUI for HTML (webgui service) a blank popup appears with title "SAP Popup Window" instead of a warning message.
This popup cannot be closed, the screen is stuck. The browser itself must be closed.
- SAP NetWeaver release independent with SAP Kernel release 7.22, 7.45, 7.49 or 7.53
- Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
- SAP GUI for HTML (webgui)
sapkernel 722 745 749 753 , pop-up , fenster , leer , leeres , blank , empty , frozen , freez , ComboBox.js (1647,2) , Object doesn't support property or method 'removeFocusStyles' ,
function UCF_ComboBox_handlePopupWindowOpen() {UCF_ComboBox._.handlePopupWindowOpen++; var oPopupManager = this.oLS.oGetPopupManagerInternal();
this.removeFocusStyles(); Unified Rendering , KBA , freeze , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-WD-UR , Unified Rendering , Problem
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