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2618077 - Backup error: No Snapshot with ID '<backup_id>' in state 'prepared' found


  • You performed a Data Snapshot backup and it failed with an exception in the nameserver trace:
    • [1464712]{264786}[-1/-1] 2018-03-13 09:57:28.925688 e Backup BackupMgr_ExecutorJob.cpp(00141) : Sending BackupSaveMetadata hanahost:30001: exception 1: no.2000002 (unknown file:0)
      Cannot create root directory "/hana/backup/data/", rc=13: Permission denied
      exception throw location:
      1: 0x00007fff81c0f908 in Backup::BackupExe_Response::getException(ltt::auto_object<ltt::exception>&) const+0xe8 at BackupExe_Response.cpp:242 (
      2: 0x00007fff81bd725c in Backup::BackupMgr_ExecutorJob::run(Execution::JobObject&)+0x16c at BackupMgr_ExecutorJob.cpp:141 (
      3: 0x00007fff6ae04560 in Execution::JobNode::run(Execution::Context&, Execution::JobObject&)+0x30 at JobExecutor.cpp:492 (
      4: 0x00007fff6ae1cf3c in Execution::JobObjectImpl::run(Execution::JobWorker*)+0x120c at JobExecutorImpl.cpp:1099 (
      5: 0x00007fff6ae2ae80 in Execution::JobWorker::runJob(ltt::smartptr_handle<Execution::JobObjectForHandle>&)+0x430 at SafePointer.hpp:137 (
      6: 0x00007fff6ae2db58 in Execution::JobWorker::run(void*&)+0x278 at smartptr_handle.hpp:653 (
      7: 0x00007fff6ae8be4c in Execution::Thread::staticMainImp(void**)+0x83c at Thread.cpp:490 (
      8: 0x00007fff6ae8dd80 in Execution::Thread::staticMain(void*)+0x30 at ThreadMain.cpp:26 (
      9: 0x00007fff6ae875f0 in Execution::pthreadFunctionWrapper(void*)+0x110 at Assert.hpp:34 (
      10: 0x00007fff6a85c6cc in start_thread+0x10c (

  • After fixing the error, you try to take another Data Snapshot backup, you get an error:
    • "Backup error: A storage snapshot cannot be prepared because another storage snapshot has been already prepared or a data backup is running".

  • If you query M_BACKUP_CATALOG, you can find a <backup_id> with the state = 'prepared';
  • When you try to CLOSE(cancel) or COMPLETE the Data Snapshot backup, it fails with the following error:
    • 2: general error: Backup error: No Snapshot with ID '<backup_id>' in state 'prepared' found. SQLSTATE: HY000



SAP HANA Platform


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


unable to, cancel backup, storage snapshot, data backup, data snapshot, deleting, drop, canceling, canceled , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem

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