- LOAD TABLE would fail with a Non-Fatal error on s_bm::SetBits. Bitmap failed internal checks. You may have a damaged index.
- DBCC returns no error
- After hitting this error, LOAD TABLE would always fail for that table
Excerpt of IQMSG
** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
** at slib/s_bm.cxx:2098 on thread 1187 (TID 1178)
** Bitmap result bitcount not in legal range.
** this=fffffffe58080888,error={num=1,os=0,id=2049,msg=-1009045},bmec=1
** Command text:
load into table T ( "c1", "c2", "c3", ... "cn" '\x0A' )
using file 'datafile' escapes off quotes off delimited by ',' with checkpoint on
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
void s_bm::SetBits
void dfiio_FP::FetchOpus
int dfo_IndexInsert::FetchOpus
const s_packedRecDesc*CombinerFetchCallback
void hc_dfrun::FillRun
int hc_dmfrun::InitNextWorkUnit
void workAllocator::DoWork
int hos_thread::Main
int hos_lwtask::Start
void IQWorkerStarter
Exception Thrown from slib/s_bm.cxx:2098, Err# 1, tid 1178 origtid 1178
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2049 (sbm_exception); SQLCode: -1009045, SQLState: 'QSA45', Severity: 14
Bitmap failed internal checks. You may have a damaged index. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
- SAP IQ 16.1
- SAP IQ 16.0
CR814021, CR#814021, 814021, s_bm::SetBits, "Bitmap result bitcount not in legal range", Bitmap, bitcount, legal, range, Non-Fatal, -1009045, 2049, damaged, sbm_exception, stacktrace, stktrc , stack trace , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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