When you try to save a method in a n SAP BPC embedded consolidation model, the following error occurs:
- The business rule cannot be saved
- An exception with the type CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING clause.
These SAP Notes have already been implemented:
- 2507851 - Cannot create business rules for some environment
- 2536212 - Add check to avoid environment prefix starts with number
- 2574103 - Delete function does not work on "Method-based Multipliers" rule detail page
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver (Embedded model)
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
EPM, BPC NW, Business Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver, SAP BPC FOR NetWeaver, BPCNW, Embedded, standard, classic, unified, BOPC , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , BW-PLA-BPC , BPC 'embedded model' , How To
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