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2618432 - Incorrect Email Shown in User Preference Icon - Fiori Launchpad


  • When user have multiple emails, the Fiori Launchpad User Preference shows the wrong one
  • The backend data have users email stored in the ADR table and may have a flag default key to show which one is correct
  • The email address for users in the Fiori Launchpad -> User Preferences (i.e. Person Icon when clicked) is showing the wrong email
  • It seems that the code retrieving the email is getting the first email listed from the adr6 table and not the email with the adr6-FLGDEFAULT checked



Netweaver Gateway 7.50 SP09 (SAP ABA 7.50 SP08)


SAP NetWeaver 7.5


"Fiori email wrong","User Preference Fiori Launchpad","Fiori User email incorrect","The email is wrong in Fiori Launchpad","If there have 2 emails in the backend Fiori picks the non-default email","More than one email mistake Fiori","Click User Preference shows wrong data","Fiori ADR table","GET_USER_INFO email" , KBA , CA-FLP-ABA , SAP Fiori Launchpad ABAP Services , BC-FES-BUS-RUN , Runtime , Problem

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