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2618490 - RepAgent message "The size of the stream buffer is too small (<value1> bytes" with Error 406 and 9414 - SAP ASE 16.0


  • RepAgent hits 406 and 9414 errors which reported in the ASE errorlog:

Rep Agent detected error 406 with message 'CI API call DropLastMetaObj() failed ' at line 9670 in file ra_ci_cmd.c.
RepAgent(9): Warning: The size of the stream buffer is too small (1572864 bytes). Use sp_config_rep_agent 'xxxxxxxxx', 'stream buffer size', '<new_value>' to increase it.
Error: 9414, Severity: 20, State: 3
RepAgent(9): Streaming replication distribution CI Library error -3 with severity 2 and message 'Package(c000000908fed990, 6:96, 1179648:0:0) buffer is depleted. Total XXXXXXX, used XXXXXX, requesting XXXXXX.'. Rep Agent detected error 406 with message 'CI API call DropLastMetaObj() failed ' at line 9670 in file ra_ci_cmd.c.
RepAgent(9): Warning: The size of the stream buffer is too small (1572864 bytes). Use sp_config_rep_agent 'xxxxxxxxx', 'stream buffer size', '<new_value>' to increase it.
Shutting down Rep Agent for database, 'xxxxxxxxx' (dbid = 9).

  • Even if you increase the 'stream buffer size' the errors may keep on coming:

sp_config_rep_agent 'xxxxxxxxx', 'stream buffer size', '<new value>'

The old value of this property is '1572864', the new value is '3145728'. The changes will take effect the next time the Replication Agent thread is started.
Started Rep Agent on database, 'xxxxxxxxx' (dbid = X) using streaming replication (sync mode) with library version: SAP CI-Library/16.0/EBF 27614 SP03 PL03 rs160sp03pl03/CI 1.10.0/Intel Itanium/HP-UX B.11.31/2191/OPT64/Sun Dec 10 19:01:51 2017
(CI-Info) Message: 1002, Severity: 2 (xxxxxxxxx)STAllocSendBuf: Failed to allocate xdr buffer size 2359304.
(CI-Info) Message: 1002, Severity: 2 (xxxxxxxxx)Failed to allocate package, ask 200, allocated 38, maxDObj 100, szPkgBuf 786432, szXmitBuf 2359296
RepAgent(X): Autoscaling: Warning: The maximum configured buffer pool size:8 is less than the allocated buffer pool size:200. The maximum is set to 200.

bytes" with Error 406 and 9414 - SAP ASE 16.0"> Read more...


  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
  • High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) implemented with replicating data in sync mode.


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


813994, CR#813994, CR813994, Always-on, streaming, synchronous , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Bug Filed

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