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2618817 - Diagnostics Agents DPC Push service fails with error Received fatal alert: illegal_parameter


The HTTPS protocol is active in the SAP Solution Manager system and the System Monitoring metrics that are delievered by the DPC Push service are gray, for example host and some availability metrics. In the Diagnostics Agent e2emai.log the following error is shown:

Mar 6, 2018 9:42:52 AM [Thread[ExRun:dpc:job_3,5,dpc:job:ExecTG]] Error      [DPCServicePushMetricJob.pushSimpleEvents] Error occurred when calling the DPC Push web service. (Endpoint: https://<abap_icm_host>:<https_port>/sap/bc/srt/scs/sap/e2e_dpc_push?sap-client=300).
[EXCEPTION] java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Caused by: HTTP transport error: Received fatal alert: illegal_parameter

Checking the ABAP ICM log of the SAP Solution Manager system in level 2 or 3, the following details can be found about the E2E_DPC_PUSH service error:

[Thr 14132] HttpSrvHdlRequest: method: 2; path: /sap/bc/srt/scs/sap/e2e_dpc_push

[Thr 14132] Server SSL_CTX 000000978C4C1B00 pvflags = 960 (TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.0,SSLv3)
[Thr 14132] secussl_read: SSL_read() failed (536871970/0x20000422)
[Thr 14132] => "Version in SSLPlaintext.version field of currently received record differs from the one negotiated in the current
[Thr 14132] >> ---------- Begin of Secu-SSL Errorstack ---------- >>
[Thr 14132] 0x20000422 | SAPCRYPTOLIB | SSL_read
[Thr 14132] SSL API error
[Thr 14132] Version in SSLPlaintext.version field of currently received record differs from the one negotiated in the current or cur
[Thr 14132] 0xa060023c | SSL | ssl3_read_bytes
[Thr 14132] Version in SSLPlaintext.version field of currently received record differs from the one negotiated in the current or cur
[Thr 14132] 0xa060023c | SSL | ssl3_accept
[Thr 14132] Version in SSLPlaintext.version field of currently received record differs from the one negotiated in the current or cur
[Thr 14132] 0xa060023c | SSL | ssl3_get_record
[Thr 14132] Version in SSLPlaintext.version field of currently received record differs from the one negotiated in the current or cur
[Thr 14132] SSL record with a non supported version received
[Thr 14132] << ---------- End of Secu-SSL Errorstack ----------
[Thr 14132] SSL NI-hdl 213: local= peer=
[Thr 14132] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStartNB(sssl_hdl=000000978C5CFC00)==SSSLERR_SSL_READ
[Thr 14132] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitServerSSL: SapSSLSessionStartNB returned (-58): SSSLERR_SSL_READ [icxxconn.c 1723]

[Thr 14132] SSL_get_state()==0x1180 "TLS read client certificate A"
[Thr 14132] *** ERROR during secussl_read() from SSL_read()==SSL_ERROR_SSL
[Thr 14132] srv SSL session PSE "D:\usr\sap\P07\DVEBMGS00\sec\SAPSSLS.pse"
[Thr 14132] session ciphersuites=966:HIGH
[Thr 14132] Server SSL_CTX 000000978C4C1B00 pvflags = 960 (TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.0,SSLv3)
[Thr 14132] secussl_read: SSL_read() failed (536875074/0x20001042)
[Thr 14132] => "received a fatal TLS bad certificate alert message from the peer"
[Thr 14132] >> ---------- Begin of Secu-SSL Errorstack ---------- >>
[Thr 14132] 0x20001042 | SAPCRYPTOLIB | SSL_read
[Thr 14132] SSL API error
[Thr 14132] received a fatal TLS bad certificate alert message from the peer
[Thr 14132] 0xa0600259 | SSL | ssl3_read_bytes
[Thr 14132] received a fatal TLS bad certificate alert message from the peer
[Thr 14132] 0xa0600259 | SSL | ssl3_accept
[Thr 14132] received a fatal TLS bad certificate alert message from the peer
[Thr 14132] 0xa0600259 | SSL | ssl3_read_bytes
[Thr 14132] received a fatal TLS bad certificate alert message from the peer
[Thr 14132] << ---------- End of Secu-SSL Errorstack ----------



  • SAP Solution Manager 7.20
  • SAP Soltuion Manager Diagnostics
  • Technical Monitoring


SAP Solution Manager 7.2


KBA , SV-SMG-MON-ALR-PRA , Metric / Event Provider in Diagnostics Agent , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-AGT , Agent Framework , Problem

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