SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2618835 - Abstruse message apprears when using coupon as payment


Your customer used a voucher as partial payment, proceeds to complete the purchase, but forgot to check a payment method for the remainder of the shopping cart.

An abstruse message appears “No coupon data was set!” after the customer clicked on “proceed to payment”.



SAP Event Ticketing (WOW-Shop)


SAP Event Ticketing, cloud edition all versions


IS-SE-ET, Sprachschlüssel, Sprachdaten, Fehlermeldung, Hinweis, Text, voucher, Gutschein, Onlineshop, userfriendly, user experience, irritating, Teilzahlung mit einem Gutschein, , KBA , IS-SE-ET , SAP Event Ticketing , Problem

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