- Procedure and Business transaction type is missing for document items.
- Intrastat declaration does not have business transaction type for items with a specific item category.
- Defaulting values for Business Transaction Type and procedure for Intrastat
- Error message "Enter a valid business transaction type" raised in Intrastat declaration.
- SAP S/4HANA for International Trade
- Intrastat Processing
SAP S/4HANA all versions
S/4HANA Intrastat, /ECRS/RP_EDIT, Item status, correct, incorrect, receipt, dispatch, credit memo, item categories, sales document, /ECRS/RPIT_TD_UI_S, ECC, ERP.
business transaction type, procedure, movement code, sales po, import, export, based on organizational data, foreign trade, Class ecrs/cl_rp, Method check_any_item, bttyp , KBA , SLL-ITR-ISR , Intrastat Reporting , SD-FT-GOV , Declarations to Authorities Export , Problem
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