SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2619169 - You Can Not Select an Element to be Added to Your Custom Web Service


When you try to select an element to be added to a custom web service in the Cloud Application Studio, the checkbox is read-only.


SAP Cloud Application Studio

Reproducing the Issue


  • You have a custom Business Object created, containing Nodes and Elements.
  1. Open your Solution in the Cloud Application Studio.
  2. Navigate to your Custom Web Service XYZ.webservice  (XYZ.webservice represents the web service name).
  3. Double click on the web service and move to the Business Object View tab.
  4. Select a Node and expand the view.
  5. Click on an Element that is not added.
  6. You will see that the checkbox does not get selected.


There are two possible causes to this issue:

  1. The solutions Lifecycle status - Assembled / Deployed.
  2. The Node Element you are trying to enable has been defined in another Node in the Custom Business Object.


You should check the solution status before you try to edit any data in the Project Explorer. If the status is correct and can be edited, then you need to check the Custom Business Object to see if the Node Elements you are trying to enable in the web service exist already with the same name.


Custom, Web Service, SDK, Cloud, Read Only, Business Object , KBA , sdk , cloud application , studio , web service , field , AP-RC-BDS-WS , ByDesign Studio Web Services , How To


SAP Cloud Applications Studio all versions