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2619518 - Some errors when using HANA connector


Role synchronization job for HANA connector ends in error:

Error in <HANA_CONNECTOR>; Reason

SLG1 entry for the ROLE_SYNC/ job shows red icon, but despite the error, the job issues the messages:

Sync successful for connector <HANA_CONNECTOR>, language, and total cound: 0

Sync completed for connector <HANA_CONNECTOR>

Role sync successfully executed 

Access Request provisioning to HANA connector ends in error, and following messages may be returned from HANA Studio after issuing the SQL Statement via call to C_DB_FUNCTION:

wrong number or types of parameters in call
invalid name of function or procedure
invalid table name: Could not find table/view



SAP GRC Access Control 10.x/12.0


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0


HANA, GRC, 10.1, Plug-in, provisioning, SAP GRC AC 10.1, GRC 10.1, SAP GRC HANA integration, GRC PI HANA, HCO_GRC_PI, SAP GRC 10.1 Plug-in SAP HANA,SAP-SAC-ARQ, HANA Integration, HCO_GRC_PIHANA as Plug-in, SAP GRC 10.1 PLUG-IN HANA, SAP GRC AC 10.1 with HANA, SAP GRC 10.1 DBCO configuration for HANA Integration public synonyms Error in; Reason SLG1  ROLE_SYNC/ red icon Sync successful for connector , language, and total cound: 0 Sync completed for connector Role sync successfully executed wrong number or types of parameters in call
invalid name of function or procedure invalid table name: Could not find table/view
, KBA , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , How To

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