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2620722 - HANACockpit!SAP is locked by another installation process started by [COCKPIT_ADMIN]


You are installing the SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0, and the XSA fails due to error below in log hdblcm.log:

18:10:00.054 - INFO:   Installing SAPUI5 FESV2 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 SDK 1.38...
18:10:00.054 - INFO:   ---------------------------------------------------------
18:10:00.054 - INFO:     Switching to user id 1001 and group id 79.
18:10:00.055 - INFO:     Starting external program /hana/shared/H4C/xs/bin/xs
18:10:00.055 - INFO:       Command line is: /hana/shared/H4C/xs/bin/xs install /hana/shared/51052039_HC2/DATA_UNITS/HCO_SAP_HANA_COCKPIT_20_LINUXX/SAP_UI5_1/ -o ALLOW_SC_SAME_VERSION
18:10:01.060 - INFO:       Output line 1:
18:10:01.065 - INFO:       Output line 2: Running installation in org "HANACockpit" / space "SAP" as COCKPIT_ADMIN...
18:10:02.885 - INFO:       Output line 3: File upload starts...
18:10:12.155 - INFO:       Output line 4: Upload into container starts...
18:10:12.433 - INFO:       Output line 5: ERR    Target space [HANACockpit!SAP] is locked by another installation process started by [COCKPIT_ADMIN] at [2018-03-16 18:06:24.455]
18:10:12.433 - INFO:       Output line 6: Cleanup starts...
18:10:12.788 - INFO:       Output line 7: Cleanup finished successfully
18:10:12.789 - INFO:       Output line 8:
18:10:12.789 - INFO:       Output line 9: Installation failed in validation: Target space [HANACockpit!SAP] is locked by another installation process started by [COCKPIT_ADMIN] at [2018-03-16 18:06:24.455].
18:10:12.816 - INFO:       Program terminated with exit code 1
18:10:12.816 - INFO:     Switching back to root user.
18:10:12.816 - ERR :     Installation of SAPUI5 FESV2 XSA 1 - SAPUI5 SDK 1.38 failed



  • SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
  • XSA


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


 XSA, Hana Cockpit, COCKPIT_ADMIN, HANACockpit!SAP, xs install, cloud , KBA , BC-XS-SL-PI , HANA XS Advanced Product Installer , HAN-LM-INS-DB , Installation of HANA Database , Problem

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