Start of SAP MaxDB database fails with the following symptoms:
The SAP MaxDB log:
/sapdb/<SID>/data/wrk/<SID>/dbm.prt (database version 7.7 and above)
/sapdb/data/wrk/<SID>/dbm.prt (database version lower than 7.7)
<date and time> 22368 INF 283 DBMSrv Command 'db_online' is being executed.
<date and time> 22368 ERR -24994 DBMSrv ERR_RTE: Runtime environment error
22368 INF 0 DBMSrv 20090,Check knldiag! Kernel exited with '1' before reaching ADMIN state
22368 INF 0 DBMSrv The database is in state "offline", but resources were found: pid file found but no watchdog process
<date and time> 22368 ERR -24580 DBMSrv ERR_COMMAND_FAILED: Command 'db_online' has ended and failed with return code -24994.
The SAP MaxDB log:
/sapdb/<SID>/data/wrk/<SID>/KnlMsg (database version 7.7 and above)
/sapdb/data/wrk/<SID>/knldiag (database version lower than 7.7)
<date and time> WNG RTE 16804: Unlink shared memory object /SDBTech-KSS-SHM-<SID> failed: rc: Permission denied
<date and time> ERR RTE 16013: Create shared memory object /SDBTech-KSS-SHM-<SID> failed: rc: Permission denied
Note that KnlMsg is written in XML format.
To convert KnlMsg to readable format use command:
/sapdb/programs/bin/protconv -p /sapdb/<SID>/data/wrk/<SID>/KnlMsg -o /sapdb/<SID>/data/wrk/<SID>/KnlMsg.txt
SAP MaxDB based products on Linux platform:
- SAP MaxDB database for SAP systems
- SAP liveCache (SCM systems)
- SAP Content Server
Shared memory, permission , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , BC-OP-LNX , Linux , Problem
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