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2621272 - Item-Header fields depending on Portfolio-Type


The fields of a Portfolio Item which are displayed in the Item-Header cannot be defined depending on Portfolio-Type in Customizing. If a field is for example "hidden" for Item-Details for a certain portfolio, it's still visible in the Item-Header.
The expectation is that the field is hidden for both - the Item-Details and the Item-Header.



  • SAP Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
  • SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HANA (PPM)


SAP Portfolio and Project Management all versions ; SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HANA all versions


Webdynpro INM_OBJECT_HEADER, COMPONENTCONTROLLER, REFRESH_OBJECT_HEADER, Elementkopf, Webdynpro /RPM/ITEM_DETAILS, FPM_OIF_COMPONENT, Fieldcontrol, Feldsteuerung, ausblenden , KBA , PPM-PFM , Portfolio Management , Problem

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