Users have assigned items via a Curriculum but it is not showing in their Learning Plan.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
- User received a notification that Items were assigned via Curricula, but do not see them in Learning Assignments.
- Login as an Admin and confirm that there are items assigned to the user.
- Proxy or login as a user, these items are not present in the user's Learning Plan.
- The Item is currently Inactive in the system;
- The item assigned to the user has Retraning configured and it was completed by the User in the past, the retraining required date does not yet fall within the threshold setup on the "USER LEARNING PLAN" system configuration:
- learningPlanQualItemsAndRequirementsDisplayThreshold
- By default, this property is set to 30 days.
If the Item is inactive, it will not be displayed on User's Learning Plan but he/she will still be able to see it when checking the Curricula. The Item needs to be activated in the LMS Admin side first to be displayed on User's Learning Plan.
Once the Item due date is within the 30 day threshold, it will appear on the User's Learning Plan or update the value of the threshold that is currently set.
Navigate to Learning Administration -> System Administration -> Configuration -> System Configuration -> access "USER LEARNING PLAN" configuration file in Edit mode.
- Find the following section:
- # Since 1305
- # The admin can configure Learning Plan Display Threshold for Curriculum Requirements and Items.
- # The threshold is in days and the system will only display qual Items and qual Requirements on the
- # Learning Plan with Required Dates that are inside the threshold and (items should have been completed atleast once so that their retraining interval settings kick in).
- learningPlanQualItemsAndRequirementsDisplayThreshold=30
- Increase the number of days for the "learningPlanQualItemsAndRequirementsDisplayThreshold" to the desired number.
See Also
USER LEARNING PLAN User Assistance Documentation (logon to to access User Assistance Documentation)
2773106 - Learning Plan Notification behavior with curriculum retraining
learningPlanQualItemsAndRequirementsDisplayThreshold, assigned items not showing, assigned items of curricula not showing, threshold , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , LOD-SF-LMS-ITE , Items , LOD-SF-LMS-CUR , Curricula , Problem