SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2621499 - Exchange Rate is not considered when you Change the Opportunity Account


You have maintained a currency exchange in Exchange Rate For Foreign Currencies. However, when you change the opportunity account, the value field will change the currency but not the value.


SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Administration work center.
  2. Go to the Common tasks view.
  3. Click on Exchange Rate For Foreign Currencies.
  4. Maintain an exchange rate for two currencies. In this example we maintain an exchange rate between AFN and USD.

  5. Go to the Sales work centre.
  6. Go to the Opportunities view.
  7. Open opportunity ABC (being ABC an opportunity which account has sales arrangement maintained in a currency. In this case, AFN).


  8. Click Edit and select an account with another currency.


Result: The currency has changed but the value is the same. The exchange rate was not considered here.


This is the expected behavior.


You can avoid this behavior if you do not maintain the currency in the account and in the sales org.

The currency is determined by:

1. The currency for the Sales Arrangement maintained for the Account for the Sales Org., Distribution, Division. This is in the Account - Sales Data facet.
2. If no Sales Arrangement currency is found, then the currency is taken from the Sales Organization. This is maintained in the Org. Unit header.
3. If no Sales Org. currency is found, then the currency is taken from the Company of the Sales Organization. This is also maintained in the Org. Unit header.

You can also create a PDI if you wish that the user is informed that the currency changes when the account is changed.

Moreover, if you consider that this behavior has to be changed in the system, we would like to ask you to post this idea in the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer influence site:


currency, account, opportunity, expected value, weighted value, total negotiated value, value, , KBA , LOD-CRM-PM-SLS , C4C Product Management - Sales , Product Enhancement


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 1802 ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 1905