You want to send workflow items to the inboxes of the processors of the current checklist step. All relevant settings seem to be correct
Workflow configuration
- Checklist profile was updated with flag "Enable Workflow" = 'X'
- Event CHKLSTSTEPSTARTED is active in the workflow tasks CHKLST_BTXXX
- Business partner is an employee (or an organization with employees) and the user is updated in tab "Identification"
Workitems are created and system generates the first task "Get current Step". However it remains with status "STARTED" and the second step "Process Checklist..." is not executed
Inbox are not getting any workitem Process Checklist xxxxx for service request 8000000nnn
SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
WS17200016 , KBA , CRM-BTX-SRQ-BF-CKL , Checklist for Services , Problem
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