Running the Task to export data to Disclosure Management works OK
In DM, the Task Monitor shows the import task ran successfully
However, there is no data
In the Task Engine logs, there is the following error
2018-03-20 21:05:05.6955 [6] [ERROR] ==>
-------- Begin --------
ErrorID: 2474e21d-4682-47b7-ad81-1758f853893f
Error in path: Unknown
Raw url: Unknown
Message: Payload file type content not allowed.
Source: SAP.DM.TaskEngine.Context
Stack trace: at SAP.DM.TaskEngine.Context.ImportData.ImportDataContext.ProcessTask(ITask task) in D:\Jenkins\workspace\TaskEngine\SAP.DM.TaskEngine.Context\ImportDataContext\ImportDataContext.cs:line 291
-------- End --------
Disclosure Management 10.1 SP12 (Stack 1200)
Payload file type content not allowed , KBA , EPM-DSM-GEN , DM core functionalities , Problem
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