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2622757 - Error BL043 occurs when using transaction SLG2 to delete application logs


When executing transaction SLG2 (or SBAL_DELETE report) to delete application logs, the user receives the following error:
  "BL043 You do not have authorization to delete all these logs"

This can also be seen on JobLog execution:

   Date             Time          Message text                                                                                                Message class   Message hh:mm:ss   Job started                                                                                                     00                   516 hh:mm:ss   Step 001 started (program SBAL_DELETE, variant <name>, user ID <user>)      00                   550 hh:mm:ss   You do not have authorization to delete all these logs                               BL                    043 hh:mm:ss   Job also cancelled due to process termination. See the system log                      00                    554




SAP NetWeaver


SAP NetWeaver all versions


BL043, BL043, SLG2, S_APPL_LOG, You do not have authorization to delete all these logs , KBA , BC-SRV-BAL , Basis Application Log , Problem

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