2018-03-26 08:40:07.2234 [13] [ERROR] ==>
-------- Begin --------
ErrorID: 43e7116a-32bd-4ab9-9821-5c074e1bd4b1
Error in path: Unknown
Raw url: Unknown
Message: no values set
Source: SAP.DM.Core
Stack trace: at SAP.DM.Parameter.DateParameterValue.SAP.DM.Parameter.IParameterValue.ToInternal()
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services.TransportService.ExportPeriodContent(PeriodFile periodFile, User user, Protocol protocol, Period modelPeriod, String zipArchiveName, Int32 periodId, String tempFolder)
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services.TransportService.ExportPeriod(User user, Protocol protocol, String zipArchiveName, Int32 periodId, Boolean contentOnly, String tempFolder)
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services.TransportService.CreateTransportPackage(ExportParameters parameters, Protocol& protocol, User user, String tempPath, String comment)
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Disclosure Management 10.1
no values set, reporting Period date , KBA , EPM-DSM-SEC , DM for US SEC Reporting , Problem
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