You have created a Sales Order containing an item managed by serial or batch numbers in SAP Business One. You are fetching this Sales Order in Customer Checkout and assign the serial or batch number to the item. You then pay it in full and post the receipt. The receipt generates an AR Invoice in SAP Business One. The AR Invoice has no base document i.e. it has no relation to the Sales Order. When you check the Sales Order you find it is still in status Open.
- SAP Customer Checkout
- SAP Business One
Message in German: Die Referenz zum Kundenauftrag wird für Artikel, die eine Serien- oder Chargennummer erfordern, entfernt Message in French: La référence à la commande est supprimée pour les articles qui nécessitent un numéro de série ou de lot , KBA , IS-SE-CCO , Customer Checkout , How To
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